ARC Alert: There's No Turning Back

ARC Alert: There's No Turning Back

A book nearly a century old, about eight women attending college in Rome, translated by Ann Goldstein (she did Ferrante's Neapolitan Quartet). The copy from Atria press says it was considered "experimental and revolutionary" and it was banned by the Fascisti. Every single thing about this book appeals to me, and I cannot wait to begin reading it immediately. Review will be up before this book's publication day on February 11.

In related news, I just got the mock-up covers for book three of Memoirs of a French Courtesan Volume 3: Luck, and it is gorgeous as always. Volume 4 is still in the early days of translation, when I write it out by hand in a notebook. The whole series, all four volumes will be out in the world by the end of 2025. Get the first two books from